Tuesday, January 6

Christmas with the Mousers

It was so much fun to have older kids for Christmas. Jeron & Jocelyn were so excited about the presents and what Santa had brought (even though we did TRY and keep reminding them that Christmas is really about Jesus being born. This only resulted in Jocelyn thinking it was another birthday party! "Happy Birt-tay a Jesis!")


Writing letters to Santa; Jeron was being a little goof, but finally gave me a real smile! Jocelyn was really getting into coloring hers and had to sprawl out over the entire table to make sure it was executed properly.

In their new jammies on Christmas Eve; we always had the tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve, so we've adopted the practice into our family too! Gotta love Jocelyn's mischevious face. And of course no Transformer Jammie set is complete without a standard Optimus Prime Mask!


When morning came and Jeron ran out to see what Santa had brought, Jocelyn was far more interested in eating the cookies that Santa hadn't finished! Our little cookie monster. It took her a good couple toys being unwrapped by Daddy for her to finally get interested.


Jocelyn did love her Carebear and Princess Aurora doll (like cousin Kayla!) and Jeron loved his knight armor from Santa!


Daddy & Jeron played with the "Fighting Transformers" (similar to Rompin'Stompin' Robots (?) I think that's the name! ;)

With the ballerina doll from Uncle Brock & Aunt Mary & all her princess jewelry ~


Braxton finally woke up to join the party and see what all the commotion was about.

He didn't know quite what to think of all the toys, but loved chewing on them all anyways!


Buck was excited about his utility tool (i'll have to put the name in later, i can't remember!) from Brock & Mary, and my Mom got me a great chic flick! (my pic is a little scary, but it's the only one, so I thought I'd include it anyways!) Earrings compliments of Tia!


And of course we are both excited about the awesome knife sets from the Hinckley grandparents!!!


More babydoll pics! Not sure that's how you should hold a baby doll. Holding toddlers...now that's a different story! Might have to implement this as a disciplinary tactic :)


Jocelyn's Aurora teaset ~ even Jeron was getting into it! (Shhh...don't tell Buck...)

Navigating her new stroller Buck picked out through all the mess!

Jeron jumping for joy over the HUGE MONSTER DUMP TRUCK he got from Grandma & Papa Hinckley! Which of course he immediately proceeded to fill up with all of his toys. TA-DA! He was so proud. What an accomplished toy-piler! And at such a young age ...


After the present-opening festivities were over, we all settled down to a delicious eggs & bacon breakfast, compliments of Buck, and watched Kung-Fu Panda from Grammie & Papa Mouser! Thanks you guys! (Who also gave us a nice little Christmas "bonus!" You're the best! :) We were sad that we were away from family, but were so thankful for our little family and the time that we have to grow closer together. We love you all and are so grateful for each and every one of you!

1 comment:

Blake and Erica said...

I sure miss being around family during the holiday's too. It looks like all the kiddies had a good Xmas.

Your family card looks so good! You cards you design and put together always look spectacular! U R truly a gifted woman.