Saturday, September 5

Thank You

Thank you everyone, for your heartfelt comments and support, I appreciated it so much. Although it has been a very difficult time for our family, I know that with continued faith and the sincere prayers offered by our family and others in our behalf, that things will work out for the best. I am very grateful for all of our kind friends and family, and it makes it so much easier to go through trying times ... Thanks again for all of your love and support. We love you all. :o)

1 comment:

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

Alicia, I just saw your last two posts,,, I hardly ever get on and Blog anymore!!!! But I hope you know that I am thinking of you and your family, and that you are in our prayers! Keep strong, you are such an example!!! I hope you know how amazing you are and how you bless others around you!!!